Welcome to The Plot!
The Plot is Grow Lewisham’s dedicated growing space. Started in 2021, it occupies part of the council run Oldstead Road Allotment site in the southern part of the borough.
The project started as a place to develop growing skills using permaculture and nature friendly methods. We run free workshops based on what members want to learn and regular gardening sessions for Lewisham residents.
This year we are growing food for Lewisham foodbanks. Choosing high yielding crops and succession planting, we’re aiming at becoming a mini farm! We are also working to develop a community orchard on another part of the allotment site so there’s a lot of work to be done! Contact us at growlewishamnetwork@gmail.com if you’re interested in getting involved.
The Plot is in the Olstead Road allotment site - 1 Southview Road BR1 5RD
Open Sundays 2-5 between March and October.