Thankyou for getting involved in The Right To Grow Lewisham. This is a community project with much to do!

Our aim is to facilitate food growing on a hyper local scale, giving Lewisham residents the land we need to grow our own delicious, healthy fruit and vegetables. We can all work together to make this vision a reality!

You can get involved in four different ways

  • Helping to map the borough

  • Contacting the council

  • Being part of the RTGlewisham team

  • Donating to our Right to Grow fund

Mapping the Borough.

We have produced a grid of maps covering the whole of Lewisham.

To complete your map, you will need a printer and a set of coloured pens - green, red, yellow, blue and purple

  • Find your area on the map of Lewisham.

  • Click on the numbered square and print on an A4 sheet.

  • Add street names to your map as you go, particularly near potential growing spaces.

  • Walk around your area, identify existing and potential spaces. Colour them in according to the KEY on the map.

  • You can also mark on fruit trees and bodies of water if you see them. You can use this app to help you

  • See examples of finished maps here.

  • If there is an area you would be interested in taking on as a growing space, circle it and write your name and email address at the top of the sheet.

Lobbying the council!

To pass a motion giving residents the Right to Grow, a councillor needs to put a motion forward, which will lead to a discussion and a vote. To make this easier, we have written a pro forma, suggesting the wording you can use. Feel free to make up your own, a personal touch is always better.

You can find the contact details of your councillor here.

You can find a copy of the letter to councillors here - please personalise it if you can!